Thursday, December 30, 2010


A lot has happened recently!

Since last I blogged, I have bought my plane ticket to Russia and figured out the whole visa situation! My flight leaves January 29. The first leg of the flight is from San Diego to JFK in New York, and then JFK to Sheremetyevo in Moscow, Russia! Why am I flying out of San Diego, an airport that is over an hour-and-a-half away, you ask? Wellllllll one of the other students on the program happens to be flying out of San Diego so now I have a travel partner! yay!
(as a sidenote, i have been told the airline we are flying has orange seats, an added perk)

As for the visa, funny story..apparently, there is a place I can apply for my Russian visa in LA, so my dad is going to take me on Monday. Don't know how I missed that...

Mission for this weekend: Get together paperwork for the visa application.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Apparently I have to actually go to a Russian Consulate to apply for my visa.  The closest one is in San Fransisco...sooo needless to say I will be going on a little after Christmas road trip with my sister. I got my "passport quality" photo taken today at walgreens (it is a required part of the visa app), but I think it may have come out too blurry, so,..

Those of you that know me well know I have a tendency to freak out over things. So, the freaking-out ensues, mostly over whether or not I will receive my visa in time.

edit: with some additional browsing of the san fran Russian consulate website, I figured out that the visa takes 7 business days to process max. No longer freaking out.

Math in Moscow!

Hello friends and family and whoever else may happen upon this blog! (Or shall I say Привет?)

So for those of you that do not know, this next semester (Spring 2011) I will be participating in a math study abroad program in Moscow, Russia!  I leave at the end of January, so I decided to start blogging now to keep a record of all of the preparation that is going into studying abroad next semester. 

I received my invitation to apply for my visa in the mail a couple days ago (yay!), so I still need to get all of that in order and sent in in the next couple of days.  On that note, below is my to do list of things I need to do before the semester begins:

- Apply for Visa
- Buy plane ticket to Moscow
- Buy a winter coat, snow boots, thermals, gloves, etc..

Not too bad, but I definitely need to get moving. It's strange how much I can seem to accomplish during the school year as opposed to how little I manage to do over breaks...