Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Math in Moscow!

Hello friends and family and whoever else may happen upon this blog! (Or shall I say Привет?)

So for those of you that do not know, this next semester (Spring 2011) I will be participating in a math study abroad program in Moscow, Russia!  I leave at the end of January, so I decided to start blogging now to keep a record of all of the preparation that is going into studying abroad next semester. 

I received my invitation to apply for my visa in the mail a couple days ago (yay!), so I still need to get all of that in order and sent in in the next couple of days.  On that note, below is my to do list of things I need to do before the semester begins:

- Apply for Visa
- Buy plane ticket to Moscow
- Buy a winter coat, snow boots, thermals, gloves, etc..

Not too bad, but I definitely need to get moving. It's strange how much I can seem to accomplish during the school year as opposed to how little I manage to do over breaks...

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