Tuesday, February 8, 2011

i can has cheezburger

Privet my friends!

I just got back from my second day of classes.  Yesterday I had combinatorics and advanced linear algebra, and today I had advanced Russian. So far the professors have been wonderful. They all seem to be really helpful and accommodating.  In Russian we had an exam to test our knowledge, and while I think I had the idea most of the time, I can tell the class is definitely going to be a challenge.  I enjoyed both of the math classes.  Combinatorics was pretty interesting and linear algebra was mostly review, which I definitely need since I haven't had it in awhile.  Tomorrow I have algebraic number theory, which is the class I am most interesting in, so I am looking forward to that.

Backtracking a little, Friday we took our orientation test to see what classes we would be prepared to take. Luckily, it wasn't as bad as I was thinking, and it seems like I'll be able to take all the classes I was planning.  yay! Later that day, we had a dinner for all the international students currently studying at the HSE that live in our dorm.  First we ate some traditional Russian food, then they had a powerpoint on our specific dorm (rules, history, etc.).  They told us to "love our dorm," so Sunday I bought a cactus.  His name is Todd. I saw him in Ashan (a local grocery store), and knew it was meant to be.  So I potted him, and I pleased to say he is doing quite well.

Todd soaking up some sun

On Saturday we had a bus tour of Moscow. I feel like I've seen a lot of the city already, but it was nice to hear about the history behind where I've been living for the past couple of weeks.  We also got to go inside of the Cathedral of the Resurrection, which was beautiful.  The cathedral was demolished during the soviet era, but was reconstructed a few years ago.  I can only imagine how much that must have cost.  The inside of the cathedral was the most impressive part, but unfortunately we were not allowed to take pictures. Below is a picture of the outside of the cathedral.

On Sunday, Allison (my roommate) made fish tacos for the whole group so we could all kind of chill together a little bit and wind down before classes began. It was fun to hang out and cook together, so I think we're going to make it a tradition. It think my turn may be this week, so more on that later!

Lastly, I had a McDonald's cheeseburger today after classes on my way back to the dorm. It was delicious and worth every kopek.

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