Tuesday, February 1, 2011

in moscow for four months, brb

I got into Moscow three days ago, and even though I haven't been here for long, some friends are already giving me grief for not updating (*cough* Alex *cough* Cathryn *cough*).  The past few days have been really busy, but I'll do my best to give a brief description of what I've been up to.

After landing in the airport, we went grocery shopping and to a bank to exchange our money to rubles. Later on, some of the students went to the red square, where we saw Saint Basil's Cathedral and the Kremlin. We then went to a mall food court for dinner.  I had borshct for the first time, as well as a "russian caesar salad", which basically means they put mayonaise on it, and split a half liter of beer with another girl on the program.  We all seemed to have a really good sense of humor after dinner, which was when we realized that the alcohol content of russian beer is noticeably higher then american beer, so...

The dorms here are pretty nice. Nicer than I expected, actually.  The only thing is the sheets are itchy and the toilet paper is rough, but I suppose I'll get used to it. Also, there are no dryers, so below is a picture of the clothes line Allison (my roommate) and I made.

Today we explored Moscow some more and went out to dinner. The metro kind of jolts when it moves and I accidentally grabbed on to some man I didn't know thinking it was a student on the program...oops. 

Tomorrow is program orientation, so definitely a lot more info then.  Right now I'm thinking of taking Russian language II, algebraic number theory, advanced linear algebra, and non-euclidean geometry, which all seem really exciting so I can't wait for classes to begin! Classes officially begin this coming Monday, and the next few days we have some sessions to orient us with the city and we also have to take a math placement test :/ 

Well it's 3am here (sleep schedule still hasn't quite adjusted), so I should probably get going! Until next time, до свидания!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katie, I went to the Math in Moscow web site and Facebook page and saw your picture! It looks like your having fun and just take it easy on spliting the large beers ;-) I'll go home after Laura's Irish dance lesson and have a beer from Holland and think of you!!! Love, Dad
